My Words
Some of my selected notes
Don’t take lightly that which is spoken – but also don’t take lightly that which is unspoken.
Origin (0.0.0)
The point as a central element in architecture and life, where the invisible intertwines with the visible. This text examines the relationship between existence and non-existence, articulating how unfulfilled potential shapes our reality, starting and ending with a point.
Kolubara Magazine Interview
Valjevo’s spirit through reflections on its heritage, scenic beauty, and iconic local spots. This interview offers a personal take on Valjevo’s untapped potential, memorable streets, and the deep pride of its community.
The point is to satisfy the audience, not to self-satisfy in front of them, unless self-satisfaction is exactly what satisfies them.
New World Magazine Interview
Personal reflections from the Genfest experience, highlighting the potential for a more harmonious world through community, love, and understanding. Delve into insights on addressing global issues, emphasizing the importance of treating others as we would like to be treated.