
Origin (0.0.0)

Predrag Milovanovic

In this text, my intention is to point out a point that has no place yet creates a place; a beginning from which I seemingly never start, yet to which I always inevitably return. 


It is a point that is always present yet never visible, always defined and, in turn, defining. It is a point from which I distance myself, yet with which I constantly communicate. It articulates and defines directions, elements, and their interrelations. It is the point of bang but also the point of intersection of the abscissa, ordinate, and application. The only commonality among the horizontal, frontal, and profile planes, the only commonality across all octants. A point of coordinate origin, or a point of coordinate end? A reference point. In fact, that point is me, the architect. The relationship to it represents the relationship to myself, my own thoughts, ideas, desires, and aspirations. The positions I take towards it with architectural elements actually represent the embodiment of personal views and decisions I make. The designed elements together create a whole, a projection of a future state. This projection represents a project, which arises from point to point, from a point. 


And this text emerges, halts, ceases, and vanishes, at the end, from the beginning. It starts with a point and ends with a point.

The original note in Serbian:

U ovom tekstu namera mi je da ukažem na jednu tačku koja nema mesto, a čini mesto; na početak iz kog naizgled nikad ne počinjem, a na koji se zasigurno uvek iznova vraćam.


U pitanju je tačka koja je uvek prisutna, a nikad vidljiva, koja je uvek određena i pritom određuje. To je tačka od koje se distanciram, ali sa kojom neprestano komuniciram. Ona artikuliše, definiše pravce, elemente i njihove međusobne relacije. U pitanju je tačka praska, ali i tačka susreta apscise, ordinate i aplikate. Jedina zajednička horizontalnoj, frontalnoj i profilnoj ravni, jedina zajednička svim oktantima. Tačka koordinatnog početka, ili tačka koordinatnog kraja? Referentna tačka. Zapravo, ta tačka sam ja, arhitekta. Odnos prema njoj, predstavlja odnos prema samom sebi, sopstvenim mislima, idejama, željama i težnjama. Pozicije koje prema njoj zauzimam arhitektonskim elementima, predstavljaju zapravo reprezent ličnih stavova i odluka koje donosim. Projektovani elementi zajedno grade celinu, projekciju budućeg stanja. Ta projekcija predstavlja projekat, koji nastaje od tačke do tačke, iz tačke.


I ovaj tekst nastaje, staje, prestaje i nestaje, na kraju, iz početka. Tačkom
počinje, tačkom se završava.

Predrag Milovanovic

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