
New World Magazine Interview

Predrag Milovanovic

When it comes to Genfest, and thus my personal impressions, I would like to emphasize right from the start that my three-day experience at this year’s event showed and proved to me that the world we live in can be a much more pleasant and beautiful place to live. I truly felt that living in community, peace, and love is not a utopia. Of course, we must acknowledge that we are not perfect, and therefore we must be aware that life cannot be ideal and perfect to the extent that we might expect, but it can certainly be much better.


I would also like to highlight my personal opinion, or rather my awareness, that the fundamental problems, wars, and difficulties in the world are actually driven and caused by certain prominent individuals – negatives – often self-proclaimed representatives of the people to whom they belong. What led me to this conclusion is precisely the atmosphere of this year’s Genfest, an atmosphere of genuine love. Indeed, it was no problem to meet a Serbian and a Croatian, an American and a Syrian, an Egyptian… a German and a Chinese, a Frenchman, a Russian, an Englishman, a Japanese… all without a single incident. Moreover, what could have been potential unrest, nervousness, or intolerance was replaced by hugs, kisses, and thousands of shared photos.


We wonder, how can we then solve all the current problems that are undoubtedly present in the world today?


My answer would be that if we did not do to others what we would not do to ourselves, the problem would be solved. If we treated others only as we would treat ourselves, in fact, there would be no problems at all.

The original note in Serbian:

Kada je u pitanju Genfest, a samim tim i moje lične impresije, već na samom početku bih istakao to da mi je trodnevno druženje na ovogodišnjoj manifestaciji pokazalo i dokazalo da svet u kome živimo može biti dosta prijatnije i lepše mesto za život. Zaista sam osetio da život u zajednici, miru i ljubavi nije utopija. Naravno, moramo priznati da nismo savršeni, te tako moramo biti svesni i toga da život ne može biti idealan i savršen u onoj meri u kojoj to možda očekujemo, ali svakako može biti dosta bolji.


Takođe, istakao bih i lično mišljenje, odnosno, svest o tome da suštinske probleme, ratove i neprilike u svetu, zapravo pokreću i izazivaju određeni istaknuti pojedinci – negativci, i to najčešće kao samoproklamovani predstavnici naroda kojima pripadaju. Ono što me je navelo na takav zaključak, jeste upravo sama atmosfera ovogodišnjeg Genfest-a, atmosfera istinske ljubavi. Zaista, nikakav problem nije bio susresti se, Srbinu i Hrvatu, Amerikancu i Sirijcu, Egipćaninu… Nemcu i Kinezu, Francuzu, Rusu, Englezu, Japancu… i sve to bez ijednog incidenta. Šta više – potencijalno očekivana komešanja, nervozu ili netrpeljivost, zamenili su zagrljaji, poljupci i hiljade zajedničkih fotografija.


Pitamo se, kako onda rešiti sve aktuelne probleme koji su nesumnjivo danas prisutni u svetu?


Moj odgovor bi bio taj da, kada ne bismo ljudima oko sebe činili ono što ne bismo ni sebi samima – problem bi bio rešen. Kada bismo drugima činili samo ono što bismo i sebi samima, zapravo – problema ne bi ni bilo.

Predrag Milovanovic

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