

Predrag Milovanovic

I watch the sky, planes are flying, 
And they drop missiles down to the ground. 


Missiles are dangerous for people, 
I wish they would never exist. 


Why don’t people think of children, 
And instead of missiles, throw them teddy bears? 


Teddy bears are nicer than missiles, 
And every child would be delighted with them. 


The joy of children should be stronger, 
Than missiles and conquerors!

The original note in Serbian:

Gledam nebo, avioni lete,
i na zemlju bacaju rakete. 


Rakete su opasne za ljude,
voleo bih da ih nikada ne bude. 


Zašto ljudi ne misle na decu,
i umesto rakete ne bace im mecu? 


Plišane su mece lepše od rakete,
i njima bi se radovalo svako dete. 


Radost dečja treba da je jača,
od raketa i od osvajača!

Predrag Milovanovic

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